IT services and Outsourced IT Support, Managed Services, Home health software
Avoid catastrophic data loss via 24/7 security monitoring and patch management.
Our proactive plans will make sure you are prepared with the best backup solution to protect and restore any of your data.
We will manage all of your server needs, from software updates to patching and security.
Can you afford to be without your e-mail for even a single day? Let us securely host your e-mail on our off site servers that have a 99% up time.
We offer our customers technology education lunch and learns onsite or via remote video sessions. Help your staff gain the knowledge on how to avoid cyber security breaches and other valuable IT information.
Are you or your staff spending too much valuable time working with your software vendor to fix your office program? We will take over all of your office third party support issues so you can spend your time on business management and growth.
We will examine all of your office expenses from phone bills to internet costs and work with vendors to lower your monthly rates.
Spending too much time waiting on your computer to complete simple tasks? We can increase the speed of your computers, improving office productivity and efficiency.
We help with all your hardware technology needs. We have the vendor relationships to deliver your hardware at the best discounts.
We can help design your website with a modern look and feel, that will help you become more visible to your customer base.
Advatek’s Managed IT service provides you with a full-time IT department for a fixed monthly rate. Our team of certified technicians will help you take control of your IT infrastructure and secure your network. No matter the size of your business, maximizing productivity and profits is dependent upon efficient technology. By investing in the Advatek Advantage, you begin the digital transformation of your business and guarantee the growth of your operations. Through the strategies of our Advatek Advisors, you can minimize down-time, strengthen data security, and identify potential risks to your business before they become costly. Our Advisors tailor Advanced Solutions to the It technology barriers and bottlenecks stunting the growth of your business. With Advatek, you join thousands of other businesses who have capitalized on efficient technology and security.
Get a free Dark Web scan of your company to see if your security has been compromised and what steps you need to take to protect it.
Dark web scan
We will beat the price of any certified service provider. Just send us your most recent invoice from your current provider and we will beat the price for the same service. Guaranteed!
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We are locally managed and owned so we know how important it is for you to stay up and running for your customers.
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One of the top benefits of using a managed service provider is that it is a great way to reduce expenses for your business, as you do not have to worry about hiring additional IT employees. Instead, you will pay a fixed price each month, which makes it much easier to stay within your budget and you will never have to deal with any hidden expenses. Our program gives your company access to the latest technology available, and is much more affordable than purchasing new hardware on a regular basis.
Another benefit of using a managed service provider is that it will protect your business from cyber threats. Advatek gives your organization much-needed protection against these ever-evolving threats. We will monitor your network at all times and ensure that your entire computer system automatically downloads the latest security updates and has the most recent anti-virus software for maximum protection.
An often overlooked advantage of using an IT audit company is that it is an excellent way to improve the productivity of your entire workforce. For example, a managed service provider allows your staff to focus on their core job objectives, instead of continually dealing with technical issues in the workplace. ADVATEK will handle everything related to your technology, which gives your employees much-needed freedom to focus on their job without any distractions.