IT services and Outsourced IT Support, Managed Services, Home health software
Avoid catastrophic data loss with our security monitoring and patch management of all devices on your network. Most breaches that steal or compromise your data come from security holes in software.
Backing up your data on a regular basis is crucial for your business. Ransomware and server crashes always come at the worst possible times. We make sure you are prepared with the best backup solution to protect and restore any of your data.
Can you afford to be without your e-mail for even a single day? Let us securely host your e-mail on our off site servers that have a 99% up time.
We will manage all of your server needs, from software updates to patching and security.
Are you or your staff spending too much valuable time working with your software vendor to fix your office program? We will take over all of your office third party support issues so you can spend your time on business management and growth.
We will examine all of your office expenses from phone bills to internet costs and work with vendors to lower your monthly rates.
Spending too much time waiting on your computer to complete simple tasks will cost your business money and time. We can increase the speed of your computers, to improve office productivity and efficiency. Spending too much time waiting on your computer to complete simple tasks will cost your business money and time. We can increase the speed of your computers, to improve office productivity and efficiency.
We help with all your hardware technology needs. We have the vendor relationships to deliver your hardware at the best discounts.
We offer our customers the ability to teach and train their staff on how to avoid suspicious E-mail threats such as Phishing attempts, that can hurt your business.
We can help design your website with a modern look and feel, that will help you become more visible to your customer base.